Dec 18, 2008

Gifts for my co-workers

Every year for Christmas I make something for my co-workers. Last year it was the tile coasters and domino magnets. This year I 'planned' on making them some bookmarks. I have had no energy to make them, so I figure I can always give it to them when I get back from my time off. I will have plenty of time to work on them then.
So what do you think? Bookmarks with what else? A pen? Maybe a bookmark with an altered composition book? Those are easy huh. (Yes I talk to myself a lot). My co-workers really are the best. I don't like my job, but when it comes to my co-workers they really are the best. They always seem to know when something is wrong. I get really quiet and just tend to hide in my hole. They pull me out, take me for a walk, and always lend a shoulder to cry on.
I'm off.. one more meeting today and then it's our departments holiday lunch event.
=) bucket

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