It really is this clean. The lights have been dimmed a bit, I think it makes my area a bit cozy.
Since I know I have at least one reader (Hi Karina), here is an update on my Smash Book. I don't really do 'chunky' on the book. Since I carry it in my purse I don't want it to heavy.
My family. I wanted my first pages to be of the most important people in my life. Even though, and I am sure this is for all moms, I don't feel like their most important person.
March Calendar Page
Just stuff..but look at the baby boy. I can't get enough of my nephew.
more stuff.
April Calendar Page.
I've collected images from different magazines. The card on the left is my new business card - as if I need one. I put the little mustache face over my info.
my boring but awesome life.
and that is it.
OH..if you have time, and happen to be in the area..I am doing a make and take tag at Remember When next Friday.
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