Jul 11, 2010

7/9 - An evening with Layle Koncar

First... a big Whoop Whoop to the Manhattan Beach Marriott. Thank you for the most amazing view. Thank you for the comfortable bed. :)

7/9 Manhattan Beach Marriott

My friend Ginger put on an amazing event with Layle Koncar. A lot of people ask me, well if you know how to scrapbook why are you still taking classes?

1. To learn new techniques (which I totally did)
2. To spend time with friends :)
3. To just get away and do something for me.

I am pretty spoiled, but I spoil myself. I go away quite a bit to scrapbook and really enjoy. Going away and getting my creativity renews my spark and I want to go home and do it more. And now with my new toy .... yeah I will be doing much more often.

7/9 creating with Layle

Our first project was totally adorable - Thank you for being a friend Mini Book. Right now..I love mini books and learning new little techniques is a plus.

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