Feb 23, 2009

I own them...but don't wear them...

Yes I do acutally own a pair.
Do I like to wear them? Nope not really.
Today I wore them.
In a few minutes I will be leaving to pay my respects to a co-worker.
He was a victim of voilence, he was only 27.
When you are older and pass away they say, at least they lead a full life. When you are younger they say..so sad he was taken away at such a young age.
Which ever way you look at it, death is sad. I knew my co-worker. Said Good Morning, Good Afternoon, and have a Good Evening. I told my son Josh about his death, he was stunned. No way, he was a nice guy I really liked him.
The way I see it where you work is not just work but really an extended family. I spend more time with my co-workers then I do with my own family. I am still numb over all this. Such an aweful way to go. Rest in Peace Charles Isaac.

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