Feb 24, 2009

Bringing the family together....

With a puzzle? Who knew??

I had this idea to open up the communication with Mark. Buy a puzzle and dedicate at least 1 hour/20 minutes really anything to get us to talking. So Mark started working on it- alone - while I slept all day on Sunday. I am sick... with a bad something cold/flu what is the difference anyway. So anyway, he worked on it alone while I slept.

Last night, while Mark was away at a business dinner, Josh and I started working on it together. Silly kid I tell you. He totally makes me laugh. He kept saying I was bugging him by trying to talk to him, I just laughed. I kept saying "Josh!" He would say "MOM WHAT!" me.. I love you. LOL... Yeah I bug but I love this child of mine. So we talked about his girlfriend, school, and of course the most important thing...how much he loves his mama. LOL.

Mark eventually came home and took over. They kicked me out because I was coughing and sneezing too much. Whatever...I didn't want to share my germs with them anyway.

I am working from home today. I have to say I am really fortunate to be able to work from home. I'm trying to work it where I can work from home more often. Crossing my fingers my manager will approve me.

The funeral yesterday was heart breaking. I learned Charles and his mom didn't have a close relationship and she never got a chance to tell her son she loved him. I can't even imagine that. It's just heart breaking. I don't know it just makes me realize how important a bond between a child and a parent is.

That's it... going back to sleep for a while. =)

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